Peran Aparat Kepolisian Dalam Memberantas Mafia Tanah Di Kota Palembang

Rusmini Rusmini, Husnaini Husnaini


The land has value that can provide benefits to humans both economically, socially and politically. For the agrarian Indonesian people, land is the main medium for finding a source of life. Land is so important for human life that everyone will always try to own it and control it. This research method is normative juridical research. The land mafia eradication team is expected to be able to create order and security for the community in land control and ownership in Palembang City. So that control and ownership is truly capable of realizing prosperity for all Indonesian people. The Land Agency, in empowering the community, more often carries out outreach in the form of education related to the land mafia and ways to prevent and eradicate it, one of which is by completing the administration of community-owned land.

Keywords: Police Officers, Mafia, Land


Police Officers; Mafia; Land

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